The Clava Story
Geoff Bamber co-founder of Clava - indoor climbing centre management software


After months of searching for a user-friendly, flexible software platform for our new cycle studio, we realised nothing on the market met our needs. So, we decided to take matters into our own hands and build our own platform.

The Clava story starts way back in 2015. I was the co-founder of a new start-up boutique cycle studio in London, Digme, searched endlessly for a software platform that was easy-to-use, flexible and had great functionality. After months of searching, we gave up and decided to build our own system at great expense.

Over the following 7 years, Digme invested heavily in their system, constantly adding new features and functionality based on the needs of serving a large clientele in busy locations. The features were fully developed and customised for gyms and studios.

In 2022, one of Digme’s anchor investors and users of their studios was so impressed by the experience that he had with the software that he approached me to ask whether we would consider spinning off the technology in order to sell it as a solution to gyms and studios. We put together a business plan and got really excited by the idea and opportunity. The rest is history.

Since late 2022, we have been turning a system that was built for a single client into a solution that delivers 8 years of real world learning and development directly to our partners and in mid 2024 our platform went live with its first clients.

Shortly after our spin-off, we were approached by some fantastic entrepreneurs in the climbing gym space who were frustrated with their existing provider and asked us whether we would be interested in customising the solution to work for climbing gyms. As a keen (albeit pretty poor!) climber, I was very interested in exploring this opportunity, so we looked into the sector a little more. 

It became immediately clear that climbing gyms are in urgent need of better solutions for managing their businesses.

Climbing software is a user experience catastrophe! It’s a frustrating experience for both new members and staff. The waiver solutions are clunky and slow for members and they can become very expensive. Check-in processing times are far too long, which creates long queues at front desk during busy times. You then have to put on more staff just to check people in.  There is generally very poor functionality for nurturing your membership base. 

Put simply, these software solutions are losing you business and adding to your costs.

We have built Clava to help grow your climbing gym faster, make it easier to run your business and help you reduce your costs. We exist to help you be successful and nothing makes us happier than seeing your business thrive.

So if any of the above sounds familiar, please don’t hesitate to book a demo. We’d love to work with you! We are a small but passionate team based in London and would love to come and visit you and your gym, wherever you are.

Geoff Bamber
